A day at Terra Summer:

The day at Terra Summer begins with a brief Opening Circle, a way of settling in for the day ahead, saying hello to each other, and setting the tone for what we will do. Opening Circle may involve a reading or a thought relevant to the topics being discussed and studied, and it may involve some Ohms (the vibrations of the voice help us connect to the heart and instill joy and tranquility).

Then, students move to farm time. Guided by the farm team—a farmer in residence and a horticulturist in residence—students plot, plant, and tend to their team plots. They learn about all phases of plant growth, and by the end of the program they will harvest their own yield, nature allowing. Children also tend to and harvest the farm's vegetable garden, which supplies most of the produce for the kitchen until the children’s plots mature and yield. Farm time is enriched by science lessons about all matters related to farming—soil, water, resources, sunlight, bugs, plant life, and symbiosis.

After a snack and a moment’s rest, kitchen time follows. Under the guidance of the chef, children cook dishes related to the curriculum, learn about the ingredients and their provenance, and learn culinary skills and technique. Kitchen time is also enriched by science lessons imparted by the science teacher. Then we prepare the table and sit for our daily meal together, largely prepared by the children.

After lunch, the humanities and science teachers lead lessons and conversations on the history of food, its provenance, its cultivation and preparation, as well as topics related to the environmental, social justice, and economic impact and ramifications of food. Readings, yoga, and food-related art are also integrated, as well as guest speakers and some field trips. The day at Terra Summer is busy, fun, and engaging; short games and downtime provide a pause when possible!

Terra Summer empowers, builds knowledge, and heightens awareness of our world.

© Terra Summer 2009-2011
